Tuesday, September 1, 2009

3 Day Diet


The "3 Day Diet" is also referred to as "The Cleveland Clinic Diet," despite having no affiliation to the prestigious clinic. The 3 Day Diet is a scheme that combines certain foods that are supposed to create a desired reaction in your digestive system and boost your metabolism for fat burning. The regimen must be followed precisely with exact portions for optimum "results." The plan does not mention or recommend exercise. The regimen lasts for three days, then repeated after two days off the diet.

The basics:

The 3 Day Diet must be eaten exactly as specified and dieters must not over-eat or under-eat otherwise you won't get your promised 10 pound weight loss.

Day 1

Coffee or tea (artificial sweetener optional)
1/2 grapefruit or fruit juice
1 piece of toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter

Coffee or tea
1/2 cup tuna
1 piece toast

3 ounces lean meat or chicken
1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots
1 apple
1 cup vanilla ice cream
Day 2


Coffee or tea
1 egg
1/2 banana
1 piece toast

1 cup cottage cheese or tuna
8 regular saltine crackers

2 beef franks
1 cup broccoli
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup regular ice cream
Day 3


Black coffee or tea
5 regular saltine crackers
1 ounce cheddar cheese
1 apple

Black coffee or tea
1 boiled egg
1 piece toast

1 cup tuna
1 cup carrots
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup melon
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
4 cups of water or diet soda are to be consummed as well.

This is a classic low calorie starvation diet and water loss scheme which is going to lead to temporary weight loss. You will probably gain the weight back quick and end up adding some additional weight as is common in fad diets. The 3 Day Diet is no miracle and certainly no solution to your weight problems.

With so many weight loss options available, it's hard to know what to do. The reality of popular diet products and programs is that few work in the long term because they don't focus on the sustainable strategies of balanced nutrition, exercise and personal motivation. But don't be discouraged, there are good plans out there that can help you achieve your goals.


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