The Fall Of The “Unshakable” Law Of “Healthy” Diet
Are raw fruits and vegetables essential for your health, or its only looks like they are? Let’s scale more factors than biochemistry, e.g. biology. According to biology raw fruits and vegetables are the depot of doom’s factors – harmful bacteria, like salmonella, parasites, fungus, viruses, … and all of them are constantly mutating into more dangerous strains.
Although the list of dangers that are coming from raw fruits and vegetables are not limited by the above-mentioned factors, but let’s summarize what we already have. To make the calculations short, many raw fruits and vegetables, and raw juices are more harmful for the people than beneficial.
For example, they may cause you food poisoning, which often looks like stomach flu, but the infection coming with food can be dormant until it will meet the acceptable criteria for breeding.
Danger from raw fruits and vegetables is increasing if they are genetically engineered or chemically “enhanced”. Among the poisons you can find in raw fruits and vegetables are herbicides, pesticides, …, toxic nitrates and many other unhealthy chemicals.
How great is the risk? In 2007, in Canada - a country, with similar to the US health policies – more than 40 percent of its population suffered from food-borne illnesses. According to medical experts this epidemic costs around $1.3 billion annually in lost productivity and medical expenses (Carly Weeks, The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, May 26, 2007).
Maybe the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s animal products directorate did not check imported food? They claim they did it – the high-risk food, such as meat, leafy greens, like lettuce, faces the most rigorous checks of 100 percent of shipments into Canada by this agency. The result of these Inspections you already read – 40 percent of the Canadians are suffering from food-borne illnesses. Do they really scrutinize the imported food supply or money goes before health – is another question.
Will the situation improve?
"It's getting worse, not better, because of the fact we're importing more and more food from places like China, where food safety is a joke," said Ronnie Cummins, national director of the Organic Consumers Association. "It's endemic, inherent in an industrialized food production system that you have a lot of filth and disease spread."
Maybe washing or getting hot water splashes on raw fruits and vegetables before eating can protect you from food poisoning? It’s helpful, but not really – many harmful bacteria, viruses and other “ZOO” plus toxic chemicals get INSIDE of fruits and vegetables and NOTHING can wash them out internally. As you can expect – washing is not the right tool that can make genetically engineered fruits and vegetables healthier.
What are the most contaminated fruits and vegetables? They are: sprouts, fresh herbs and lettuce, tomatoes, melons, berries. However, it doesn’t mean that the other fresh fruits and vegetables are much safer – all of them can be contaminated and sometimes eating them can cause even death.
If you need more information, to learn the details of the situation in the US and more important – what is a solution – read e-Book the Shock Diet of Dr. “G”. It was named this way not because it is shocking for the body, but because it offers solutions shocking for the traditional mind.
Note: the Shock Diet of Dr. “G” comes with 6-month support, which is included in the purchase price.
Other reasons of following the Shock Diet of Dr. “G”:
Everything Needs Energy: success, love, weight loss, stress relief, ... | |
The Shock Diet System and what is so shocking in it.
In order to live – to be successful, to love or be loved, to be healthy and defeat coming or existing disease, or to lose weight, etc. – all humans need energy.
But how does the majority value energy in their life? What do they do with the energy they possess?
The truth is, the majority is living mostly for the wasting of energy. How could it be?
Look around and you will see – many people have nothing better to do in their life than overspending energy on getting tired and sleepy by accumulating calories (especially after lunch). Those who did not lose all their energy on consuming tasty calories – try to lose leftovers of energy by “burning calories” on a variety of unhealthy “magic” pills, diets, exercise programs and the like until total exhaustion. Why? Just to get a better shaped body and that’s all.
Do you see any contradictions with what we need (extra energy) and what we want (to lose all energy on senseless fun)?
If getting a better shape is the most important task of life – then the mind is not of value anymore, compared to the value of weight loss, isn’t it? If yes – whose life is more attractive – humans or pets?
Why is it so hard to understand that any unresolved conflict drains down energy and lack of energy causes the rest of life problems? Or can somebody be successful in business without energy? Or maybe you love to watch/listen to artists who perform without energy?
So, if you need to add more value to your personality to get in return more respect, appreciation, …, true love, wealth and health – you need to start with The Shock Diet System to get extra energy and pass PERSONAL CONSULTATIONS in office (New York) or by Phone to improve skills of converting energy you obtain into the life you need.
Make your choice – to live with variety of “rainy days” made by “rainy friends” or to move up in your life. If you are ready to move up, start here – The Shock Diet System.
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